1st September 2023
Firstly we would like to introduce ourselves! We are your new Head Boy and Head Girl, we have been at Braeburn Nanyuki for a combined length of drumroll… 17 years! We are looking forward to establishing our Junior Leadership Team across the school within the next few weeks. We will then be chairing the Student Council and working closely with the House Captains to make BNIS an even better place!
This week we have been getting to know the new children and also the new staff. We enjoyed being in school this Monday for New Starters Morning and this week we have been interviewing a few of the staff members to help you get to know them!
We have discovered that Ms Mogaka has been teaching Music for over 24 years! She plays a very wide range of instruments from the harp to the piano. She is very much enjoying being at BNIS, she said it is very different to other bigger Braeburns that she has taught in but it’s just as good… if not better!
Ms Njeri is one of our Y4 Class Teachers. Her favourite subjects are Science and History. In her spare time she loves listening to music and watching movies! She is excited to start exploring the Stone Age with her children for Block 1.
Ms Kamalu is our new Sports Coach. Her favourite sport is swimming and she is looking forward to seeing our swim team in action when they start training again. She has been coaching and teaching children for over 7 years and loves the variety that it brings. A sport she has never played is baseball!