All Things Blue

3rd March 2023

Year 1 have focussed on blue during our Colours Fortnight and what a colour it is! Calming, soothing and cool, are just some of the words the children used to describe their thoughts on this colour. To start off their thinking, they spoke about the sea and sky and then guided by the children’s interests, they ‘dived’ into learning amongst the waves of the world's oceans.

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Children learnt many facts about wonderful sea creatures. They took their enquiry further and investigated blue sea creatures. The Year 1 children were very good scientists, sharing the research tasks amongst themselves.

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Sea-life Diorama.jpg

In English, the children had the chance to become poets. They wrote shape poems about blue animals, blue bugs and blue plants! They made sure their creative caps were still firmly on, each creating a myth about “How The Blue-Footed Boobie Bird Got His Blue Feet”. They researched the history of the colour blue and learnt about some artists that tend to use mostly blue in their works of art. The children then each created a sea-life diorama using a wide variety of materials.

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Creating a strategy for measuring

The children split the seven continents amongst themselves and proceeded to do some Maths research. Their search was to see how many flags around the word had the colour blue in them. They were delighted to discover so many flags, again documenting some of their finds, in very good detail. The children embarked on the lofty task of measuring out some of the largest sea creatures. They did this by measuring out tens of metres of twine. They were very excited to see how just a few metres between the monstrously large creature really did make a difference, spotting this variance by standing at the various makers and taking in the view.

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Measuring in metres 7.jpg

In DT, the children successfully had a go at making blue slime and then writing out instructions on how they did this. They put their dancing shoes on in Music lessons, learning a dance to one of the all time greats, Elvis Presley himself. Yes, you guessed it, they learnt a dance routine to the rock-and-roll song ‘Blue Suede shoes'! Across the fortnight, they truly have had a whale of a time!

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Making blue slime 11.jpg

What a fantastic journey into blue these two weeks have been! We sure look forward to “immersion-learning weeks” in the future!