Christmas Cheer

8th December 2022

It has been a very busy first term for our Foundation Stage children who settled in amazingly well and adjusted to the learning routines fast. Despite this being a long term, they have enjoyed the different experiences and had an opportunity to practice and reinforce our ‘Links to Learning skills’ everyday.

The new month has brought Christmas cheer and the children were very excited to learn and work on fun December projects. During circle time, we read and sang Christmas songs and rhymes that got the children in the spirit of the upcoming holidays.


We explored different books like ’The Night Before Christmas’, where the children learned that Santa usually comes bearing gifts and asks ‘if they have been naughty or nice’. The children continued to develop their fine motor skills and expanded their mark making by writing their Wishlist to Santa, hoping that he isn’t too busy to write back!

The children created, built and explored different art projects surrounding Christmas and made a range of decorations like Christmas trees, Santa hats, reindeers and stars. They also pretended to be mini Santas and made secret gifts for their families.

Little working elves in FS1
What is a Christmas tree without some sparkle?

FS1 have been practicing sharing and working together. They went on a short adventure to Cedar Mall to have a look at the Christmas tree. This experience helped them appreciate that the festive period is a time to bring joy and smiles to other people.

During the holiday, encourage your child to look for and identify holiday decorations from different parts of the world and cultures. Have a wonderful festive season from all of us in FS1.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of International Schools
Pearson Edexcel Certification
Council of British International Schools
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Kenyan International Schools Association
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Association of British Schools Overseas
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence