Dinky Charge 2019

28th April 2019

On Saturday 27th April, regardless of the early morning rain, 22 teams proudly arrived at school to show off their model cars at our annual Dinky Charge event.  Kieran Avery, from Rhino Charge car 38, organised the event again this year with the support of Mr Masafu and Mr Franco.  The event helps to raise money for the Rhino Ark conservation charity.

The course was already laid out when competitors arrived and was definitely made more interesting by the unforeseen water and mud obstacles created by the rain!  Children worked in pairs, as navigator and driver, to complete the course in the shortest time possible however, speed was not necessarily the fastest way as every topple, lift or fall resulted in a 5 second penalty.  

Each team started with the blindfold section of the course which saw drivers relying heavily on their navigators to get them through the cones.  They then worked their way round the complicated course together through twists and turns, ups and downs and ins and outs.  Teamwork was dreamwork and every pair completed the course with an almost intact car!  A few of the cardboard cars found the rain a bit too much to handle though, and were shedding parts through the final obstacles!


The rain eased off after the first half of the event which allowed everyone to relax and enjoy themselves that little bit more.  Parents caught up with each other and kids competed and played together for the morning.  Well done to all the competitors but especially to the winners in each age category and Mikayla who won 'best car' for her cardboard landrover!  Prizes will be presented in assembly in a couple of weeks time - keep collecting sponsorship until then, every shilling helps!

Thanks go to Kieran, Mr Masafu, Mr Franco and all the other staff who pitched up to help at the event on a rainy Sarturday morning!  

Independent Schools Inspectorate
Association of British Schools Overseas
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of International Schools
Pearson Edexcel Certification
Council of British International Schools
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Kenyan International Schools Association