6th October 2023
Over the past few weeks, the Year 5 class have journeyed on an intriguing adventure, following the story of a young girl who was uprooted from her familiar home to embark on an adventurous, exciting, and bewildering life in The Amazon Rainforest.
‘Journey to the River Sea’ has been an inspiring, intriguing and informative hook for learning. The class have been on the journey in their minds; a journey of discovery, curiosity, sadness, and happiness. The main character highlighted that, with willingness and dedication, anything is possible. The book led to encounters with various species, some of whom were incorporated into the Science lessons to help learn about life-cycles; as part of this, the class incubated both hen and duck eggs - everything is crossed for successful hatching next week!
Inspired by the book, the children learnt about the extraordinary nature and landscape of the Amazon, including discovering that there are two main types of lagoons: coastal and atoll. Using imagination and creativity, the children worked in groups to develop interpretations and representations of the Amazon's appearance.
The children are left wondering about the fate of the book’s main character Maia - did she make more friends? Did she return to England? Or did her aunt uncover her secret friendship?