Forming the Junior Leadership Team

21st September 2022

Thursday last week marked the United Nations Day of Democracy which formed the stimulus for the week’s Thought for the Week. This is a shared theme that children across the school explore during form times. Democracy, a fundamental British and Braeburn value, was put into practice during our elections for our BNIS Junior Leadership Team.


The Year 8s impressed with their written applications to be House Captains and performed with confidence during their interviews - congratulations to the successful candidates: Allan, Billy and Sasha. They started their tenure with brilliant introductions to the school in assembly on Friday. During which they motivated their houses to work hard in order to boost the house points being earned. They are hoping to further foster a sense of house unity, spirit and desire to achieve.

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Each Year group has also voted democratically for a child to represent them at Student Council meetings. Congratulations to: Rhys, Anna, Jide, Maddie, Harris, Nora and Jecca. The children loved getting to vote for their class representative and each member was extremely proud to be chosen by their peers. This week, our Head Girl, Kayla, chaired their first meeting. Representatives introduced themselves to each other, set out their main goals and decided on how often they wish to meet in the future. During form times, children will have the opportunity to tell their representative any ideas or suggestions they have and these will be discussed by the reps during the fortnightly meetings.


Completing our Leadership Team are our newly appointed Well-being Ambassadors. Charlie, our Well-being lead, supported Kayla in reading children’s application emails and interviewing the shortlisted candidates. Congratulations to Maheilya, Cedar, Ethan, Thomasina, Evie, Hayley and Taija-Jhoy. These ambassadors will have a pivotal role in making BNIS an even more inclusive place.

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Through these junior leaders, we look forward to empowering student-voice at BNIS to help children across the school present their ideas in order to make BNIS the best it can be…

The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
Kenyan International Schools Association