2nd February 2023
One of the best ways that children learn and develop is through messy play! It gives children the opportunity to explore their environment through unlimited equipment and natural resources. When children are getting all messy, they are exploring their senses as well as likes and dislikes through exploration of different materials. ‘Messy play’ also gives children the opportunity to interact with each other and in the process learn how to socialise and problem solve. As they are using their hands during activities that encourage them to ‘get messy’ children develop their fine and gross motor skills, which helps with writing later in life.
In Creche, we have been exploring different messy play activities. In the sandpit, we have been shovelling, filling and emptying, mixing and cooking at the mud kitchen.
At the playdough table, we have been ‘baking', ‘cooking chapati’ ‘making a drink’,’ learning to share’, and talking about our beautiful pieces of work.
During water play, we have also been learning about capacity, water channeling, filling and emptying and staying safe around water bodies.
Have fun and let’s all get a little more messy!