Mad about Movie Night

29th September 2022

Movie Night went off with a bang last Friday. It was wonderful to see so many families come out and sit together in the quad to watch Sing 2 under the stars. Being a part of a small community like Nanyuki, it was extremely special for BNIS to host an event like this and have such a fantastic turn out. Pizza was ordered in advance and, even though there were some oven issues, with a little bit of patience, everyone was able to enjoy their delicious pizzas as well as the many snacks that were brought along.


This Movie Night has been the talk of the school, some children even wanting to stay at school until movie night in case their grown ups did not bring them back for the movie. The younger children began counting down the sleeps until they could be at school so late AND watch a movie at school, OUTSIDE. Seeing all of the little faces light up when the movie came on and enjoying the songs and atmosphere of the night was terrific.

Thank you to all grown ups for bringing their children along, or rather, thank you to all the children for dragging their grown ups along. It was a magical evening and we hope to host another Movie Night soon - let’s hope the weather holds up for us again!

The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Association of International Schools in Africa
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools (Accredited Member)
Kenyan International Schools Association
Council of British International Schools