Mini Memoirs

14th June 2023

As the Year 8 children get closer to the end of their journey at BNIS, they have reached a reflective stage in their lives. This provides a perfect opportunity to create memoirs, which are narrative pieces inspired by personal memories. Each child has been tasked with crafting a mini memoir book, comprising ten or more short "chapters" that delve into their cherished memories.

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Throughout their English lessons, the Year 8s have been hard at work drafting, editing and typing their mini memoirs. Their compositions cover a wide range of memories, including topics such as friendships, beloved pets and even moments of embarrassment (we all have some of those). The hope is that these memoirs will be a special keepsake, capturing a “snapshot” of this significant phase in their lives.

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Please enjoy these excerpts from their writing so far:

“Before I moved to Kenya I was absolutely terrified of dogs. A dog walking towards me, cross the road. Following a dog, walk slower. I mean it got so bad I would refuse to go to someone's house if they had a dog…”

“Weekends get extremely boring and my PC calls me from my room. Gaming is basically my therapy after a bad day.”

“I have never moved houses ever. I was even born at home. Let me explain. I was meant to be born a month later, so my mum wasn’t ready for me. My mum and dad had a few friends over. My mum’s best friend was a qualified nurse and my mum started going into labour…”

“These days I don't play with Legos. Instead, I like collecting them, such as my Lego McLaren, my Jeep and my formula e-car. My most recent is the Lego Bugatti that I got for my 13th birthday, but my favourite is the Dodge because it has a working pullback motor in the back. It was a fun build that took a long time.”

“Now that I look back I think it’s kind of sad that I didn’t love my African culture and my name because now I am proud to have this culture.”

BTEC Level 3
Association of International Schools in Africa
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Cambridge International Examinations
Kenyan International Schools Association