Money, Knitting and Rhymes

21st June 2023

As the Year 2s enter their final weeks, the learning has certainly not slowed down. From rhyming to finger-knitting, shopping and significant people, these last few weeks have been chock-a-block with learning.

The children were rhyming sensations this week as they focussed on poems in English lessons. They were challenged to learn a poem with a partner, thinking of actions and how they can project their voices when presenting. They thought carefully of the rhymes involved and how they could come up with another verse for their poem; they even came up with their own superhero poems!

This week Wednesday, the children put on their best ‘presenter’s hat’ and performed their poems to their classes, speaking loudly and using actions to make their poem more exciting. The teachers were blown away by their confidence and ability to memorise a whole page of a poem! These children might be small, but they are mighty!


The focus of our History lessons has been significant people. One of the favourites that has come about has been Florence Nightingale - she was called something else by the soldiers, do you know? Maybe ask a Year 2, they are sure to know. Florence Nightingale has inspired their work in Art where they are using their finger-knitting skills acquired from the Entrepreneur Marker to craft a blanket. They have been finger-knitting strips and then using their fingers and wool to ‘sew’ the strips together. The result was some very colourful blankets, sewed together with plenty of love and care.  


Money, money, money has been on the children’s minds as they have learnt how to work with pounds and pence, solving one-step and two-step money problems. To finish off the unit, the children were introduced to shillings and the different denominations that can be found. A ‘shop’ appeared in the Year 2 classrooms, equipped with a shopping list, the children went around buying what they could for the 1000ksh they were given. In PSHEE, they have been learning how to budget, so they used these skills in order to not spend all of their money and end up in debt. The children enjoyed being shoppers, while the teachers had the fun job of being the cashiers, ensuring that the children did not ‘shop ‘til they dropped’. This was such a fun way to end off the week. Two more weeks to go before we wave them off up to Year 3!

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of International Schools
Pearson Edexcel Certification
Council of British International Schools
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Kenyan International Schools Association
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Association of British Schools Overseas
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence