28th October 2022
The Year 3s have been having a blast learning about poetry in English. They have had a chance to write their own poems using literary devices that they have learnt such as: alliteration, similes and metaphors. We made sure to stay within our theme of rainy, ravishing, riveting, radiant rainforests.
On Thursday, the children had an opportunity to perform some poetry. First, they got some tips on performing poetry from the teachers and a poet/author called Michael Rosen. They learnt to use facial expressions, tonal variation and actions to go along with their poems. Next, they had to memorise some silly poems and come up with actions for their poems with a partner. Some examples of the silly poems were; Eletelephony (about an elephant that tried to use the phone) and As Soon as Fred Gets out of Bed (about a boy called Fred who put his underwear on his head!)
It was finally show time! The performance took place outside in the quad. Some children were feeling nervous to show off their poems, but others were buzzing with anticipation. All the children put on a show and we got to see some contrasting performances! Some decided that one person would read the poem while the other person did the actions. Others were both doing the actions and reciting the poem at the same time. Eletephony got the most laughs, while it did not have any actions, the tone of voice and facial expressions were enough to keep us entertained!
Round a train with nice tracks
And in a bus with comfortable seats
In a forest riding a horse
Nothing can stop you from climbing a tree
Fans are cold and windy.
On a nice straight tree
Riding a donkey is not very comfortable
End a poem that is long
Stuff that are cold makes you wanna be warm
Two plus two equals twenty two!