Proud Pedologists

3rd February 2023

This term, the Year 3’s have excitedly been learning about ‘rocks’ in Science. We learnt that rocks are hard substances made of one or more minerals. We studied the different types of rocks, their appearance and properties. We then looked at fossilisation and specifically dug deeper into the life of Mary Anning, who was the first woman to become a palaeontologist. It is sad that she was only recognised more after her death.


We continued our learning, diving into soil and its many layers. This week, we had a chance to make our own compost using tiny rocks, wet soil, food remains and peelings, worms and wet paper.


First, we were put into groups and had to plan how we would execute our project. We then took a half-cut bottle and started arranging the bedding for the worms as if they are not comfortable and cosy in their new home, they will not do their job of making food for the soil. Next, we went out to find small rocks to put at the bottom of the bottle, then put sand and made it wet. We layered the wet rocks and sand with some leftover food and apples.


Then came the fun and disgusting bit, WORMS! The Year 2s were kind enough to share some of their worms with us and we put them on top. After that, we shredded the papers into little pieces and put water on them. We covered the half-cut bottles with fabric and put tin foil at the top. We hope that our worms will survive!


Later, we got to have some treats with soil. Of course we made some ‘edible soil’, using our knowledge about the layers of soil. We replicated the base rock with a layer of chocolate Oreos, the subsoil with some chocolate pudding and chocolate chips to look like pebbles and more crushed Oreos in the topsoil. Finally, we added some grass using coconut flakes that were dyed green. We also put in some “worms” to play in the soil - don't worry we used sprinkles for them. We ended our soils focussed week by eating our chocolatey treat and it tasted much better than real soil!

The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Association of International Schools in Africa
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools (Accredited Member)
Kenyan International Schools Association
Council of British International Schools