11th November 2022
In Creche, we have been looking and reading different storybooks. After a reading session, children are encouraged to look at books independently and picture read quietly as they learn to turn pages one by one as well as hold the book the right way. They also practice the correct way to care for a book as they read it and put it away. We are hoping to create many bookworms as we go, we have plenty already!
Sharing stories and talking every day helps your child’s development in many ways. It helps your child get to know sounds, words and language as well as develop early literacy skills. Through exploring a new story, they learn to value books and stories and their imagination is sparked and curiosity is stimulated. Your child is able to learn the difference between ‘real’ and ‘make-believe’ and begin to understand new or frightening events as well as the strong emotions that come with them. Books and their themes help your child learn about the world, their own culture and other cultures.
The children in Creche are learning to be great storytellers’ and good models for using language and books. Children learn through imitation so to help with this, we encourage more reading at home. This will also help in creating a strong bond between children and their parents.
Enjoy as many reading moments as you can at home.