Siku za Wiki

31st March 2023

Jumatatu, Jumanne, Jumatano, Alhamisim, Ijumaa… Do you know what those words mean or what language they are in? They are Kiswahili words for the days of the week. Year 2 has been learning how to say the days of the week and useful words related to the days in Kiswahili.


The children have learnt that siku moja (one day) is made up of 24 hours and wiki moja (one week) is made up of siku saba (seven days). Songs have been a fun way for the children to learn the different days of the week and they have also put their organisational skills into action by arranging different cards with days of the week. Who would have thought that the children would be using pebbles to learn? With letters on the pebbles, they spelled the days of the week in Kiswahili.


They have even explored how to use related terms to refer to different days of the week through role play. They worked in pairs to write the days of the week (in Kiswahili of course) that they have Swimming, Music, PE, the days the national anthem is sung and days they don’t come to school.


The children also learnt that different religions have different first days of the week. Christians have either Saturday or Sunday as their first day of the week depending on which day they worship. Muslims consider Saturday as their first day of the week since Friday is their day of worship, which is regarded as the last day of the week. Which day of the week does your week begin?


Siku za Wiki (Days of the Week)

Jumatatu - Monday

Jumanne - Tuesday

Jumatano - Wednesday

Alhamisi - Thursday

Ijumaa - Friday

Jumamosi - Saturday

Jumapili - Sunday

Alternative way of saying days of the week

Juzi - day before yesterday

Jana - yesterday

Leo - today

Kesho - tomorrow

Kesho kutwa - day after tomorrow.

Council of British International Schools (Accredited Member)
Tanzanian International Schools Association
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
GL Education Assessment Excellence