Speech Day

25th June 2019

Our annual prize-giving Speech Day was held on Monday 24th June in a marquee on the school field. It was the first time this setting had been used and our spectacular view provided a beautiful backdrop to the event, particularly during the al fresco buffet lunch afterwards.

We welcomed Mr Andy Hill, Braeburn’s Managing Director, as our guest speaker.  He and Miss Kioko gave speeches during which the departing Year 8 students were reminded that moving on and growing up sometimes seems daunting but, is something we can embrace and enjoy. 

Our outgoing Head Girl – Electra, and Head Boy – William, gave their final speeches to the listening audience and showed great maturity and confidence. We were also delighted to welcome our 2019-20 Head Girl – Anika, and Head Boy – Nicholas to their roles. They both took to the stage with ease and will no doubt continue in the footsteps of Electra and William in leading the student body as superb role models. 

The event saw children in Year 1 – Year 9 commended for their academic achievements and efforts as well as those individuals who were recognised for excelling in certain areas including sports, performing arts, leadership and Internationalism. 

There were many proud parents in the audience alongside some very proud teachers. Well done to everyone who received an award this year, keep up the good work!