STEAM Celebration

11th May 2023

As you would have read and heard over the last two weeks, BNIS has been alive with ideas on how to better our future. From building homes for pigs to powering a house with renewable energy, to say the children have been busy is an understatement.


On Friday, we welcomed parents to come and experience the learning that has taken place and look at the exhibitions and projects that the children have put all their hard work into as well as browse around a mini market.


We couldn’t be prouder of what the children have accomplished over the fortnight, they have challenged their inner architects, scientists, builders, artists and engineers. It was a wonderful way to start the morning by watching the videos that each year group had put together, showcasing their STEAM work. Later, it was a delight to walk around in the afternoon, seeing the work on display and hearing about all that was discovered and learned.

Each year group went through a learning journey to get to a place where they had something to present, showing their final projects that would hopefully showcase their response to their STEAM enquiry question.

- EYFS: Can you build a happy home for the 3 little pigs (creche), a tower for Rapunzul (FS1) or a bridge for the Billy Goats Gruff (FS2)?


- Y1: Can you build a house that collects water?

- Y2: Can you build a home for the future that harvests and conserves water?

- Y3: Can you use locally sourced materials to build a low-cost modern home?

- Y4: Can you build a low-carbon house using repurposed materials?


- Y5: How could you insulate a house using low-cost repurposed materials?

- Y6: How can you power a house using renewable energy?


- Y7/8: How can our lifestyle choices impact the environment? (with particular focus on reducing carbon footprints, recycling/reusing, diet, fashion & transport)

BTEC Level 3
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
Kenyan International Schools Association
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Cambridge International Examinations