The Tempest - School Play

3rd July 2017

Performed by Years 5, 6 and 7 on Wednesday 28th June, 2017


Years 5, 6 and 7 did indeed tell us a story – an incredible tale of magic, monsters and betrayal’ on Wednesday afternoon. The Tempest was a great success and the team received a lot of positive feedback from the audience some of whom would like to see the whole thing again. In response to these comments, we would add that we enjoyed the whole production from auditioning, singing, rehearsals, learning of Shakespearean language, acting and dancing to the final magical performance complete with costumes and face-paints and a wonderful audience. We particularly thank our parents for providing costumes and supporting with learning of lines at home. Great thanks to the face-painting team also – Sabine Looij,  Catherine Freeman, Elena Dahlfet, Michele Daykin - a great job which helped the children get into role for the ultimate performance.

The story took place on a mysterious island in the middle of nowhere and what a wonderful scene was set with the backdrop created by Mrs Bebbington with the help of Ms Songoro, Mrs Henderson, Rose and Param. 

The main inhabitants of the island were Prospero (Joseph) and his daughter Miranda (Miggy) with Caliban (Wesley), Prospero’s slave, Ariel (Electra) and many magical spirits. Prospero created a huge storm, a Tempest, to shipwreck other characters on the island. Together these island characters led us through the story with amazing solo singing parts accompanied by Ms Songoro on the piano and Mr Sam on guitar. They all worked together very professionally to interpret the delivery of the story. 


I hope you thoroughly enjoyed.

Mrs Karen Henderson

The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Association of International Schools in Africa
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools (Accredited Member)
Kenyan International Schools Association
Council of British International Schools