11th October 2024
FS2 have just finished their topic, What Makes Me, Me?. They had a lot of fun discussing their families, becoming more aware of what makes us human, and learning how to care for themselves.
They shared family photos during 'Show and Tell,' drew pictures of their family members, painted family trees, and marked on a world map where they and their family members were born.
They learned a bit about the human body and talked about what is on the inside. Using the 'Zones of Regulation', they named their feelings and identified which zone they might be in. They measured and compared their heights, and they observed their faces in mirrors to create self-portraits.
As part of understanding self-care, they discussed how they are cared for and how they care for themselves. They talked about why we clean our bodies, brush our teeth, wash our hands, and clean our clothes. They had some fantastic hands-on lessons where they washed dolls, did laundry, and had a nurse visit to teach them how to brush their teeth and wash their hands properly.
They discussed the importance of caring for their immune system by eating healthy foods like colourful fruits and vegetables, and they made delicious rainbow fruit kebabs. Exercise was another key part of their healthy habits discussions, and this week they did circuit training during water play, cooling themselves off in the sprinkler between exercises.
In this final week of their topic, they investigated how people change as they get older. They visited children and adults around the school to find out about the activities different age groups enjoy, how others care for them, and how they care for themselves.
For homework, the children interviewed their grandparents to find out about their favourite activities and how they maintain their self-care.
They have learned so much and had a great time doing it!