Working together

8th December 2022

The new Junior Leadership Team (JLT) have got off to a flying start this term. Under Kayla's guidance, they have created a new discussion format, which enables year groups to discuss their ideas and for the reps to record the children's ideas on a designated sheet. This has helped to make the JLT meetings more efficient and us to keep a better record of suggestions. The suggestion box in the Library also remains open for children to post their suggestions. The JLT have discussed the balance between blue sky thinking and what is realistic for the JLT team to achieve within their budget.

Suggestions have ranged from highly practical requests to big crowd pleasers and we have been delighted to have been able to spring into actioning these. As seen below, we have added signage to both sides of the bin which has made sorting the rubbish at lunch times much easier. All our food waste from these bins and the kitchen is collected by Turaco Farm and goes towards their Soldier Fly projects.


A very popular request from all year groups was for Basketball hoops. After much discussion, we were delighted to get two full sized Basketball stands and nets that will be put up over the long holiday in time for use in the New Year.

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During our latest meeting, we have decided to pursue an outside, shaded, quiet reading area and a nature pond. The pond would be for both learning opportunities and to add interest to our already beautiful school grounds. Watch this space as JLT works hard in the new year to design and get approval for these brilliant ideas.

Council of British International Schools (Accredited Member)
Tanzanian International Schools Association
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
GL Education Assessment Excellence