16th March 2023
In English lessons this week, Year 8 students have been working towards writing discussion essays, which share multiple perspectives and give a thoughtful and an informed opinion about an issue. For example, we have been thinking about whether or not animals should be kept in captivity.
At first, most students were completely against the idea; however, after reading a few articles and engaging in some discussion, students were able to come up with a list of reasons for each side of the debate.
As a class, we then created a shared discussion essay that presented both sides of the issue. Finally, students wrote their own conclusions, some of which are shared below:
After looking at both sides of the issue, my opinion is that if the animal has difficulties in the wild, it should be in captivity to live a longer life and have joy in it. - Silas
After looking at both sides of the argument, I think that if the animal is endangered or injured, then they should be kept in a large, natural enclosure. However, most animals should be left in the wild in their natural habitats. - Elin
In conclusion, we and the committee have decided that zoos should only be able to keep certain animals and those animals should be treated with maximum care. If not, the zoo shall be charged with animal abuse. - Allan
After looking at the write up of both sides, I have come to decide that it depends on the zoo and the caretakers there. Although most people believe that animals shouldn’t be kept in any sort of captivity, there will always be those exceptions. - Kayla